The term Upsert in SQL allows you update a table if the specified condition already exists or insert a new row if the specified condition does not exist in the table. That is, Upsert automatically allows you write a query to detect a record in a database if it exists or not by performing the functionality of either updating the table or inserting a new record into a table which in turn allows for efficiency in database operation. The Upsert syntax varies based on the database system you use and in this article we will be exploring different methods in SQL to achieve this! Now, let’s…
SELECT Customer_Id, TotalSpend_90Days, AverageSpend_90days FROM Customer_Spend_90DaysVsAVG WHERE TotalSpend_90Days <= AverageSpend_90days
SELECT Customer_Id, TotalSpend_90Days, AverageSpend_90days FROM Customer_Spend_90DaysVsAVG WHERE TotalSpend_90Days > AverageSpend_90days
Select a.Customer_Id, a.Email_Address, a.First_Name, a.Delivery_Address_Postal_Code, a.Delivery_Address_Town, b.Product_Code from Master_Customer_Active a join Master_Order o on a.Customer_Id = o.Customer_Id join Master_Order_Line_Item b on b.Order_Id = o.Order_Id